Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Which do we bury, us or the hatchet?

I keep finding that even though I have a love for people now, and I do think they not only notice but respect it, it is still so hard to penetrate to someone. I know I know, I, myself, can never "save" someone, that is Jesus' job. I just want so badly to shake some ppl and be like have you not noticed all of nature around us. It all works in perfect harmony. Nature takes care of itself. If one species becomes overpopulated, they get diseases and some die off, yet if one is endangered by a different species, that species can evolve to protect itself. Amazing. How does one look at the world that surrounds us and not think "My God, how did you do it?" I reiterate to anyone I talk to about Jesus that everyone has good in them. God created us for certain purposes and you see that in even non believers. It is amazing to me just how perfect this earth he gave us is. Everyday is a new battle to fight, a new struggle inside to break through. If I am not as close to God as I feel I should be, then I feel like I am behind, yet if I feel like I am doing better and really growing, then I have to fight to not feel like I am better or more in the know than others. I guess all I can do is to continue to love ppl. I just feel pain for them now. I use to feel like it didn't matter. The Bible is clear in saying every person is responsible for their own salvation, yet I want so badly for everyone around me to be able to experience the one true living God. I want for them to know the joy, peace, and most importantly the love he gives us. I have never in my life felt so important, like for once I officially matter, if only to him, and every person deserves to know that feeling. So how do I go about, to the best of my ability, showing them that?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Proverbs 10

So I am reading one proverb a day for the month (thanks Emily), and I am on number 10. The proverbs of Solomon. Just a few things that caught me: Multiple times does it say "a chattering fool comes to ruin." This is a problem for me. I tend to always believe I am right, as most of us do, yet I always wind up either feeling foolish or rude. I do need to learn to quite myself and listen more than I do. Proverbs 10 also says that "love covers over all wrongs;" isn't that the most wonderful thought. I have done so many "wrongs" in this life, yet the love of Christ covers them and makes me anew. Another line that I really connected with was "wisdom is found on the lips of the discerning." This is something that has taken my whole life for me to understand and have a desire for. Multiple times in the Bible does it state that "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom," and this goes hand in hand with that. Only through heeding to the Lord and his will for our lives (discernment) our we able to truly have wisdom of things to come, and experience true joy. My final thought on this comes from the line "The fear of the Lord adds length to life." All would assume that this literally means a longer lifespan, but I disagree with that. I very well could be wrong, but as Christians, we will live forever with Christ, so I don't see that living on this earth any longer than necessary is what he wishes for us. I take it as the fact that if we do "fear the Lord" by seeking him and his will for us daily, than we in turn will have a "fuller" life. Through him we have a life of pure joy, and experiences to share in Christ with others.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Well, since it is 1:18 in the morning, and I have to work tomorrow, this will be short and simple. I just couldn't stand to not have atleast one thought or idea upon my newly started blogspot. I guess the best first blog is by simply stating my favorite, and, to me, most moving quote from a poem.

And what I am beheld again
What is and no man understands
And out of darkness came the hands
That break through nature molding men

It is from In Memoriam, which is an amazing poem. The whole poem is about a man who has been thoroughly shaken in his walk with God due to the death of a good friend. Those are actually the last 4 lines of the poem. The point is, that we might face times of doubt and confusion, but in the end it is through the hard times that we realize and are strengthened in who we are. Out of the darkness, comes the hands of the one who will make us strong and mold us into the people in which we were born to become.