Monday, February 16, 2009

The unwinding cable car

I keep thinking to myself that every person has good in them. We have to. I mean, we are created in God's image, and I don't see how any person could be completely wicked. I just feel that sometimes I might be too trusting of people. I want so badly to believe that all people have the abililty to be good doers. I realize, that anyone who has ever loved or been loved does have good in them. God is love, and those who love know of God, and those who loveth not knoweth not God. 1 John 4: 7-8. But there are people who, to me is unfathomable, that have never experienced love. How is that possible?! How is it that a person could live not knowing what love is? There is way too much hate in the world, and I think that love, and most importantly Christ's love is not spread enough. I mean, when the word "christian" is mentioned in the world today, it is mostly seen as a derogatory term. How did that happen? "Christian" is what came from those that laughed at the followers of Christ after he was crucified, which means that "christians" should be "following" Christ. I know this is all redundant, but think about it, to be like Christ, one must love. period. love. love others. love all. Yet with a group of people who are suppose to love, we have become some of the most hated people in our society. I know most of this is because there is a lot of evil and hate in the world, and Christ said that we would be persecuted and hated for following him, but there are a lot of people who are just bitter. I don't care to be hated because I'm a follower of Christ, but just over bitterness... This is a problem that we should continually work on. If we, as christians, had truely loved all, then they wouldn't be so bitter...

1 comment:

  1. well put well put.... i have to say i'm impressed with the blog updates lol.

    I will give you this story as something I feel God has been working on in me....

    I was loading my truck at my job the other day when my supervisor came in and began picking up boxes on the side and placing them back on my rollers. I had been reading in acts where the early church had been praying that the spirit would give them boldness. I began to start praying that prayer myself and that God would give me the words to say when i needed to say them. So before i said a word to my supervisor i prayed..."God give me the words and may You speak through me." the conversation went something like this....

    -Hey dan man whats up?
    -nothing much and you?
    -So dan do you think about God? (this is my new opening line now by the way)
    -I'm scared of him.
    -LOL! Scared of him. WHY?
    -because i'm God fearing.

    the presence of God just overwhelmed the truck and at that moment Dan had to get out of the truck. He wasn't even able to finish what he was doing....Now as you know i like to talk and even more so...i like to talk to people. I had only said a total of like 4 sentences when God came down in a mighty way. I thanked God that night and heard him say..."Josiah it works sooo much better when i do the talking" WOW what a slap in the face for me....

    Just a true story...On how God is still speaking
